WASHINGTON, DC (March 15, 2023) – The Personal Health Investment Today (PHIT) Act was re-introduced in the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives yesterday, Tuesday, March 14. Supported by the Sports & Fitness Industry Association (SFIA) and a broad coalition of sports, health, business, and community organizations, the PHIT Act allows pre-tax...

What is the PHIT Act?
Bill Number: H.R. 1582 & S.786
A Way to Reduce Your Physical Activity Expenses, Saving You 20-37%
The Personal Health Investment Today (PHIT) Act will allow flexible spending accounts (FSAs) and health savings accounts (HSAs) to pay for youth sports fees, sports and exercise equipment, health club memberships, fitness classes, and outdoor recreation.
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Summary: The PHIT Act allows individuals & families to use funds in pre-tax medical accounts to lower cost of sports, fitness and other qualified physical activities & equipment
The Cost barrier to youth sports has risen to Avg almost $900 per sport annually - Aspen Institute